Artemis Ignatidou

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bayreuth

She also teaches European transnational cultural history. Her research focuses on intercultural responses to national and nationalist musical practices in the continent, the impact of transnational musical institutions upon local cultural identities, and the evolution of musical production in the continent. She is currently preparing a monograph on the national policies and the musical practices that resulted in the acculturation of the Jewish community in the Greek city of Thessaloniki between 1914 and the Holocaust. In 2018 she completed a PhD in history, with her thesis addressing the musical and institutional elements that shaped Greek nationalism in the nineteenth century. During her doctoral studies Dr Ignatidou held two research residencies at the Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada, where she collaborated in multidisciplinary musical projects. Since 2018 she has also held two visiting fellowships at the Ernst Bloch Centre for German Thought (University of London 2018 and 2021). Her intellectual interests include cultural theory, the philosophy of art and music, critical theory and interdisciplinarity as a practice. In her musical life, she is a freelance piano and music history tutor and also participates in artistic projects as a performer and musician.
Artemis Ignatidou