Inge Dornan

Reader in the History of Race and Gender at Brunel University London

Her research and teaching focus on histories of race and gender in Britain and the Americas. In 2019, she led a series of public engagement events in London on the theme of 'Unlocking the Secrets of Britain's Slave Past' as part of the UK Being Human Festival of the Humanities, sponsored by the London School of Advanced Study, the AHRC and British Academy. This included walking tours to uncover the hidden narratives of British slavery in the built landscape of Hillingdon and Uxbridge; a specially curated exhibition with Brunel University London Archives on the British and Foreign School Society and the education of enslaved children in the British Caribbean; and an award-winning heritage production on the British slave trade, Breaking the Silence, which she co-wrote with theatre director and academic, Dr Holly Maples.
Inge Dornan